Last night Bernard and Beatrice prepared a meal of local ingredients including succulent duck, salad from their garden and a fantastic strawberry flan, washed done with pineau from Bernard's father's local vineyard. We could aquire a taste for this Cognac liqueur!
The sun is back as promised for a few days, so we sight-see along the river Charante as we head for Rochefort, next morning. There are fishing nets hung from frames by the bank.
We juggle with the traffic in the old centre to make sure we can find our Chambre d'Hôtel for later, then find Sue and Graham at their caravan in the campsite by the river. Over a long lunch we catch up on all the gossip from Nerja.
Later the Chambre d'Hôte is a beautiful place like something out of "Grand Designs", with our large rooms opening onto a 2 storey glass roofed atrium. Madame even does a pile of washing and drying for us!
Next morning over breakfast in a state-of-the-art kitchen we are introduced to family and neighbours, all such friendly people.
On the way to meet S&G for a day out, we call at the nearby sports Decathlon store - about 2 x the size of a jumbo jet hanger! We resist temptation to buy lots of cycle gear, just purchasing a much needed new pair of sandals for Mike. I make him throw his others away before we leave the carpark.
S&G take us on probably the best cycle route of the trip, through marshes (like at Exminster but sprinkled with Storks), over a Transporter bridge, (like at Newport), swinging in the wind.

Through quiet villages, along dedicated cycle paths to a narrow sandy causeway. As it is low tide we can cycle across to the Ile de Madame. Usually deadly quiet, but we share the path with a convoy of classic Deux Chevaux restored cars! A bit like the "show and shine" car rallies we saw in Vancouver. After circumnavigating this beautiful island, we retrace our path, honking to stop the bridge departing without us, and celebrating a wonderful day with a glass or two of local rosé.

Location:Bonnefont to Rochefort