The local papers make interesting reading - there is always some local authority scandal with a mayor being locked up for some misdemeanour or other. This week it was the turn of our neighbouring village of La Herradura - the sports centre has been built on protected land, so the mayor may have to pay for it to be demolished and be banned for life from public office!
The same paper explained the new penalty points system for drivers - amongst one of the more severe offences is "putting a cyclist at risk" - no wonder the drivers are all so careful to avoid us!
There is a general election here in March 2008 - both main parties are hoping to win votes with reduced tax and higher pensions (wonder who is going to pay for that?) Global warming is not high on their agenda. Spain is the EUs worst polluter with regard to carbon emmissions, but the opposition leader seems less than convinced on Global Warming (to quote) - "they can't tell me what the weather will be in Seville tomorrow, so why should I believe their forecast for 300 years time"! (In case you are interested the Spanish PM is the one who looks like Mr Bean).
The Christmas lights are on now in town - though quite a few bulbs have gone out already - electrics are not a Spanish strong point. Poinsettas are planted in all the roundabouts and municipal flower beds, and do look smart.
Our usual mix of cycling & walking this week again, in continued sunny weather. Animals spotted were black squirrel, ibex & a merlin.Walking chum Graham was convinced that every minor ground scraping was evidence of recent activity by wild boar hunting for food, however we have not heard or seen these beasts (yet!) As we near Christmas our local friends are preparing to return to the UK, abandoning us for the holiday. Any excuse for a meal out, we had an "Abandonment Lunch" with them on Monday, in a very Spanish local restaurant - great food, wine & company.
Final word this week goes to our improving Spanish - we learnt the word for "retirement" in Spanish is "Jubilacion" - very appropriate, as we are thoroughly celebrating ours!!!