Sunday, 6 January 2008

Visitors (including Three Kings!)

25/12/07 - Christmas dawned a beautiful sunny day. We were amazed to see many shops & restaurants open for normal trading. We lunched on various fish dishes at Burriana Beach.
26/12 - Mike & Roz led a walk in the rain (it was the "Garage" walk for those who know the area). The locals must have thought us "loco" for walking in the rain.
27/12 - Our last Spanish lesson of the year. Cleo tells us all the names for family members - the various distinct names are more numerous than we have in England, & the same must be true in other countries as the Swiss lady at the front of the class remarked "we don't have this many relatives in Switzerland!"
28 & 29/12 - Chris arrived from Exeter to lovely sunshine here, followed the next day by Janet & Ian from their holiday in the Malaga area, & Jacquie from Glasgow Airport.
30/12 - A day walking wih Janet & Ian whilst Chris & Jacquie lounged on the beach.
31/12 - Another fine walk with J&I (El Fuerte where we saw Ibex & a poss sighting of short-toed eagle). C&J recovering from late night out at Tutti-Frutti Plaza (Nerja night-life!) We cooked dinner together at the apartment,the best course being the Clootey Pudding brought all the way from Peterhead by Jacquie (like Christmas Pudding but lighter & with lots of cinnamon - went well with custard). Saw the New Year in on the Balcon de Europa - masses of fireworks & a band playing everything from flamenco to Elvis for a large jovial mixed-age multi-national family audience! Ensured we all partook of the traditional Spanish New Year Champers & Grapes.
01/01/08 - As we set out on our New Year walk at 10.00am, we met several young couples still in their glad-rags from the all night party. Chris was the only one of us brave enough to take a New Year dip in our shared outdoor pool - brrr!!!
02/01 - Jacquie had an early flight back to Glasgow. S & C cycled to Frigiliana. M, J & I walked the wonderful "Liman" trail, marred only by low cloud early on & rain later.
03/01 - Chris got the 6.30am bus to Malaga for his flight home. The rest of us got a later bus &, after a splendid 2 hour lunch, looked round Malaga sights including the splendid Cathedral. We then said goodbye to J & I who were heading back home to Exeter.
04/01 - Cycled to Torrox Costa in the morning & saw splendid views of Maroma mountain covered with snow. Then spent the rest of the day catching up with our Spanish homework on our terrace in the sun.
05/01 - The "Three Kings" (Magi) toured Nerja (as they do every Spanish town on the eve of the Epiphany - a more important holiday to the Spanish than Christmas). The procession had 7 floats, several groups of dancers, & at least 4 bands (drums a major feature!) Tractors again supplied by the Benitco Bros, from a small old one which had difficulty starting, to a brand spanking new MF6480 (Brian take note).
06/01 - cycled to Cerro Gordo then into the hills climbing to 450metres with great views of serious snow on the western Sierra Nevada. Saw a family group of 11 ibex on the old N340 road near Cerro Gordo.