Thursday, 20 March 2008

Orange Blossom & Ostriches

Sue & Graham E. flew back to sunny Ruithin on Tuesday & were greatly missed by the Walking Group on Wednesday. A strong turnout of 18 left from Competa taking olive-strewn mule paths around the valleys in wonderful weather. The return leg crossed a Roman bridge & skirted an ancient hilltop church with arab origins. At various small Cortijos, Katy pointed out the sloping south-facing areas where grapes are sun-dried to raisins. Less traditional were a pair of stabled Ostriches adjacent to the path! A day of mixed odours - heady wafts of orange blossom tempered by very smelly mounds of goat dung & the pong from the malfunctioning sewage outfall at the otherwise charming village of Canillas de Albaida. (Photos: Noddy House in Olive Grove; Canillas De Albaida with Mt Maroma behind).

Some rain forecast this week, let's hope not much, as Nerja's elaborate preparations are in place for Santa Semana (Easter Week) parades every day from Wednesday to Sunday.