Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Pilgrims Progress...

Descending to the market in the morning, we pass pilgrims trudging up the Santiago Way, big rucksacks displaying the shell symbol.
The old covered market has stalls selling local cheese, fruit, pâté and bread, everything we need for lunch. Meanwhile Kirby is at a bike shop purchasing a new saddle as his has collapsed!
It threatens to rain all day but only succeeds after we find a shelter for lunch. We have completed our first Col, (Osquich) only 500 m high but with fabulous views. As we pile on the waterproofs the sun soon reappears and we follow a river route into Tardes-Sorholus.
Marilyn has yet again booked such good lodgings - a traditional hotel in the corner of the charming central square. The patron could not be more helpful, housing our bikes in a big store and providing a fine 3 course dinner. The customers in his friendly bar are mainly local older chaps all wearing their berets (in doors?) and playing an impenetrable card game. They are amused to pose for photos.

Location:St Jean Pied de Port to Tardets Sorholus