Heading west for the first time this tour. On the roads of Wroclaw on a Saturday morning we have few cars to contend with, only trams and tram lines. Soon in the countryside passing wheat and potatoes. Strawberries are sold from road side stalls. As everywhere, lots of railway crossings, many with no barrier, and frequent trains. It's like UK must have been before Beeching - every town and village has a busy station and lots of freight carried at a sedate pace. Gradually we gain height as we see ahead the first mountains of the trip. As with many names here, theirs is unpronounceable to us, but translated means Giant Mountains. Sometimes the road deteriorates to cobbles and sand but mainly just potholes, and the gradients are not too steep. We make very good progress so have time to take a slower forest path, having lunch sitting on logs in a beautiful valley.
That was Sunday, and there has been a delay posting the blog until today, Wednesday, because.....
We are just congratulating ourselves on a good ride and entry into Czech Republic, when I (Mike) find a particularly loose bit of track and take a tumble. Unfortunately it was one of those times when you know straight away it's not trivial! With the brilliant help from a passing Czech cyclist, and the emergency services, I am soon in Trutnov Hospital. A dislocated right ankle and small fracture in the same leg means I will not be riding anywhere for sometime.

Susan is in a nearby hotel with our bikes and gear, and we are looking at arrangements to get ourselves home in the near future.

Miles to date 2080
Location:Wroclaw to Trutnov