No wind and clear blue skies are the perfect conditions to cycle south to Key Biscayne. We take a cycle path beneath the elevated railway, then cross steep Rickenbacker Causeway. A detour winds through pristine neighbourhoods, where homes front the water with some of the priciest addresses in the USA. The houses are individually designed from gaudy copies of Venetian palaces to modern glass boxes. One has its own waterfall pouring down the front elevation. At the end of Key Biscayne is Bill Baggs State park. A dedicated cycle path follows the waters edge, and through lush vegetation of palms and mangroves, to the lighthouse at the point.

We know this time not to stop here for a picnic as chubby racoons pester anyone pausing for a snack. Over the ocean squadrons of brown or white pelicans stream past. The occasional sea plane or helicopter buzzes overhead.
On the return pedal we detour west in the city suburbs to visit " Little Havanna" where folks of more modest income live in old style bungalows and narrow shops sell cigars to tourists - the whole area has that Cuban feeling.

Location:Key Biscayne & Little Havanna