Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Seven Devils...

Reedsport was a lumber town, but is now very run down with many empty houses and businesses. Bigger North Bend is a little more prosperous, but we have first to cycle a busy bridge, precariously balancing on a raised path.
Then on to the best ride of the trip so far, Seven Devils Road, up high through pine forests on the dunes, with views of the Pacific and inland to forested mountain, and tiny lakes.
Then down, across another busy bridge, with no hard shoulder, over the wide Coquille River to camp at our hosts in a marvellous rural big plot with uninterrupted wide views of the river and flood plain. Bryan takes us down to his jetty to pull up the crab pots. The 9 crabs are prepared by Nicole for our dinner, with salmon Bryan caught at the river mouth this morning. Two young cyclists arrive, also heading south, one just starting a round world trip, the other escaping the cold in her Alaskan home, heading for Texas.
We have seen little fishing boats at all the river entrances, catching the rising salmon. Apparently this bounty goes on until October. Early next morning they are already trailing lines, as we enter
the lovely old historic centre of Bandon. We order breakfast at a very popular cafe - Janet and I love granola, the men prefer breakfast butties. In walk the 2 young cyclists we had met in Shelton a week ago (a bit surprising as they had taken a "short cut" through Portland!!) It is great to catch up with their adventures. They spent the previous night on a local baseball pitch, woken at 5 by the sprinklers!
Today is the anniversary of 9/11 so there are many stars and stripes flags in front of people's houses.
The coast route today is stunning, frothy seas crashing onto miles of empty sandy beaches and sea stacks.

The coast-hugging road suddenly sweeps inland to go around Humbug Mountain. Then there are very wet fields that are apparently cranberry bogs, a high value crop.
Our last full day in Oregon - full of sun and sea - and California tomorrow!

Tour miles to date: 1,245

Location:Reedsport to Gold Beach