The road winds past deserted beaches, strewn with bleached logs.
Between two cliffs the highest bridge on Oregon at 345 ft gives us terrific ocean views. Just as we enter California, fog dims the view but clears as we veer inland to sunlit dairy farms. Our campsite is at Crescent City, under Redwood trees. The town itself is rather dreary, the centre having been destroyed by a tsunami on the 80s.
Fog envelopes is again next morning as we start the highest climb of the trip, 7 miles of ascent to 1200 ft, but at 200 ft we suddenly pop out of the mist as the sun streams through the giant redwood forest on either side. The swoop down the other side is "exciting" as we enter thick fog again, with no shoulder, chased by logging lorries. Character building!
Before the next climb is the beautiful wide sunny valley of the Klamath river and the tiny town of the same name. A Native Indian settlement, so the usual casino, but also a local store that cooks up mouth watering deep fried corn on the cob.
Signs along the road warn of wild elk and soon we come upon a few cars parked on the verge as the occupants photo a small elk herd including an enormous stag.
The second hill climb is fantastic, on the old quiet road so we can stop and admire the 1000 year old famous redwoods.
Down now to the one street town of Orick, our only accommodation option.
Tour miles to date: 1,345
Location:Gold Beach to Orick