Our host Martin has his web site on http://www.mbfinearts.co.uk After a morning tour of their lovely garden, including wildlife pond, orchard, bunny and chicken enclosures, we have an easy 20 miles to Pembroke Dock and the weather is very kind to us again, with plenty of sunshine. A bit of main road then back onto farm lanes with more flowers including masses of wild garlic and early purple orchids. Each little hamlet has an ancient stone bridge and at least one pub. The cottages are often tiny and brightly coloured. Picturesque Cresswell Harbour has to be photographed, followed by the impressive Castle Carew rising out of fields by the estuary. (Most photos will be on a separate blog when we return.) We find our first good wi-fi connection outside Pembroke Dock McDonald's, so are able to post the blogs. There are very few passengers on the 2.45 ferry, touring motorcyclists and small party of Aussies.

Mike is soon downing a Guinness!

The crossing is smooth, then they let us off in front of the rest of the vehicles so we have a mad dash up the steep ramp chased by container lorries. Our friends Sean and Maureen live by the shore within sight of our boat. Somehow we still managed to get lost but eventually arrived and were soon catching up on 5 years of gossip and getting to know their 2 "new" rescue dogs - a chocolate lab Ellie and King Charles spaniel Charlie.

Tour miles to date: 198
Location:Clunderwen to Rosslare