There are a few hills once we wave goodbye to Bill and Lin in the morning, so we are ready for a rest after 20 miles at Kidwelly. The only cafe had a CTC (Cycle Touring Club) sign in the window! It is on a narrow pavement so no room for the bikes, but the lady proprietor tells us to bring them inside! Then two lady touring cyclists from Newport turn up, and we help bring their bikes in too. They have trained it to Fishguard, and cycled over the mountains to Carmarthen, heading on to Swansea tonight. One is on a heavy mountain bike with panniers & a rucksack, so hard work. Soon after this stop we take a forestry path only to find a locked gate at the end. With much muttering we lift our loaded bikes over. In sight are 2 touring cyclists who are thinking of using this route - they have 4 panniers each so we advise them to take the road round. They are Aussies from Queensland, heading for Ireland and then Scotland. They are "warmshowerers" like us so hope they may come our way on their return.

As our route hugs the coast we pass other tourers. Through Swansea and then a bit of a slog past the steel works of Port Talbot and off road through some stately home gardens, smothered in Rhododendrums. They are clearing acres of these "weeds" and spraying the more unsightly Japanese Knotweed, which unfortunately is everywhere. At the end of the gardens are gates that we have to squeeze through with more muttering. After 70 miles we reach Brigend town centre and take the last room in The Wetherspoons, whose chef lets us know he has run out of veg! So veg roast of the day would be roast pots with extra roast pots!

Tour miles to date: 911
Location: Llangynog to Bridgend