We stop for coffee at Amroth Castle where we had also stopped in 2007. Now the farm roads get really hilly as we move inland, and to make it worse there is new thick grit and gravel top dressing for miles. Generally though a beautiful route in broiling sunshine. We are staying this evening with Bill and Lin , friends of Janet and Ian, who they have shared walking holidays with. They have restored their lovely old farm house, and transformed the 3 acre site to a gorgeous garden which attracts lots of birds in this quiet backwater. A Greater Spotted Woodpecker feeds from the bird table right by the window. Apparently there are also 700(!) Pipestrelle bats in the loft over our bedroom, just recently venturing out after hibernation. The only sound we can detect from the roost is a slight fluttering. Pickles the terrier makes up for the dog chasing episodes we have suffered, with a very friendly welcome and posing in front of the camera every time I get it out. He is a star.
Tour miles to date: 841
Location: Rosslare to Llangynog