Sunday, 19 August 2012

Island bound...

Friday morning John thinks he is reassuring, informing us the cougar that attacked a boy on Vancouver Island has been caught. I expect there are lots more cougars that might like a tasty cyclist!
We join the morning commuters cycling north over Lions Gate Bridge. Giving the busy main road a miss, we follow quieter Marine Drive, undulating through the welcome shade of pine trees. At Horseshoe Bay we wait for the lunchtime ferry to Vancouver Island. It is difficult to think of a more picturesque setting, the steep forested mountains, plunging into a dark blue bay, dotted with small boats.

The boat was far bigger than we had imagined - the size of the Rosslare ferry! 1hr 40 mins on flat calm passing close to small islands and then we pedal off onto a car choked dual carriageway! Extricating ourselves from this and fuelled more by enthusiasm than commonsense we head for a lake which turns out to be at the top of a VERY steep, VERY long climb - I am not ashamed to report that I push the bike the last 100metres. We are rewarded with a lovely ride back down Jingle Pots Road, through forest and farms, reminiscent of Switzerland. Our Nanaimo host, Barry, has cycled all over Europe, so we have many tales to swop.

Tour miles to date: 73

Location:Vancouver to Nanaimo