Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Lochside Trail...

We are wending our way back north now, taking a detour via Salt Spring Island. The island ferry leaves from Sidney at the top of the Peninsula. The route to there starts out on the Galloping Goose trail, and then takes the coast as the Lochside trail, all on gravel surfaces that are level and easy to pedal. About halfway the forests open out to farmland with our coffee stop at a farm shop.

Coming off the lunchtime ferry onto Salt Spring, we are spotted by Darcy, a friend of Erin and Dave (the union jack flags on our racks are a give away). He owns a bike shop right by the jetty and directs to his nearby house where youngsters Isiah, Abe, Eve and Tiger Lily make us very welcome.

Bird report - Bald eagle , Red-tailed Hawk.
Tour miles to date: 236

Location:Victoria to Salt Spring Island