Friday, 24 August 2012

Island hopping...

With no light pollution in this sparsely inhabited spot, our garden camp night sky is crammed full of stars. A surrounding 2.5 metre high wooden fence keeps the deer from the fruit trees and Tiger lilies.
After fond farewells in the morning, it is a hilly ride north across the island to the Capital, Ganges. The prettiest town yet, traditional wooden houses and a harbour full of yachts. We pass vineyards and apple orchards on the way to the ferry, with only spasmodic traffic every time a ferry docks.
Back on Vancouver Island, we retrace our way up Chemainus Road and on to Cedar Road. Sometimes having to pedal on the shoulder of the main road, we are passed by very, very, long logging lorries!
Hosts Dorothy and Bob live on a small farm, with young Sadie, the very friendly coyote-Sheepdog cross, old Roxy (another dog), 5 Alpacas (for lawn mowing duties) and 20 laying hens, in a henhouse straight out of "Chicken Run". They own a big Bike shop in Nanaimo and have toured lots, including West Coast, Costa Rica and Mexico.
Next morning we continue north, calling in on their bike shop for expert help as Mike's front brake cable needs replacing. A bit more on a shoulder of a busy road is unavoidable as the mountains come right down to the water's edge, leaving room for only one road. The stunning coastal views make it all worthwhile. Eventually onto a quieter forest route at Nanoose Bay. Canada Geese skimming over the water and 2 Bald Eagles pass a few feet away! The back drop is of forested mountains on the mainland, the highest still snow capped.

We stop to admire the Eagles and photograph a stripy snake slithering across the grass.

Tour miles to date: 307

Other birds today - Turkey Vultures and Chickadees feeding on Dorothy's Sunflowers.

Location:Salt Spring Island to Nanoose Bay