All the villagers are up and about tending theirs small holdings, the older ladies all similarily dressed in baggy trousers, wellies and full length aprons over jumpers.We meet them on the roads pushing barrows of produce or sitting behind their husbands on the mini tractors. One couple were still using a horse and cart, whilst another toothless old dear whizzed towards us in her donkey cart. There are donkeys in most villages.Outside houses the ladies sit in the shade under umbrellas selling their garden produce- mainly potatoes. One was selling the local salt dried cod.Some also wear in long black dresses and shawls.Then there are those who just sit on a kitchen chair at the roadside to watch the world go by.
There are two impressive castles high on hilltops - on at Miradouro and a more impressive edifice at Leiria. They are restored, so very complete.

As forecast, the first clouds we have seen for days roll in and we see rain arriving over the hills, just having time to dash under cover at a sports centre before a short heavy down pour. We search about on the bottom of our panniers to find waterproofs. The next shower comes in the afternoon and we squeeze into a bus shelter to avoid that torrent. We are dried out soon in the warm breeze.

Miles to date:- 717
Location:Camida to Leiria