We pass the showery evening watching the televised match between Chile and Brazil. Rather a lot of fouls and diving, but exciting until the end and Brazil winning the penalty shoot out. Still showery in the morning but we aren't complaining as the news tells us that there are storms and hailstones in the south east part of France! A quiet Sunday cycle heading west for the first time since the Douro, so on main roads as no cars, then after lunch as clear blue skies reappear we follow tiny farm roads through typical Normandy countryside, cereal crops and apple trees, dotted with neat timber framed houses, barns and even a church. The traditional building method carried on with new houses of similar construction. Some thatch too, where the ridge is planted with flowers!
Our Warm Shower hosts at Lisieux have a big "English cottage" garden where they keep 10 bee hives for their own honey.

They are making lots of blackcurrent jam from their own fruit trees. Our friends in Paris had a problem in their flat with bees living in the chimney flue, with them appearing on the living room occasionally, so we are used to them.

Miles to date:- 2661
Location:Louviers to Lisieux