In the warm evening sunshine we explore the country lanes around Oloron, coming to several very old derelict mills. A farmer on a tractor hoes between rows of young corn. We thought a Sunday morning pedal around Oloron to look at the sights would be peaceful, but there is a running event so there are many "Route Barré" signs and frustrated car drivers. The Cathedral is worth a gander, as are old terraces of houses and the very full river thundering under the bridge. We head off towards the mountains. Near Lourdes a countryside route we had travelled with our friends last May has a "Route Barré" sign, but we carry on, coming soon to a 200 m stretch by the river where the road has been completely washed away. We carry the bikes over stone and sand. Even the railings some 20 ft above the river at the hydro-electric generating station were buckled, where a tree or rock must have been thrown against them.
We can't find away around Lourdes, so get through past the tacky souvenir shops and faded hotels as fast as we can, to pick up the terrific rail trial 10 miles up river to Argelès-Gazost.

The mountains are closing in around, and with not a cloud in the sky we are very sweaty by the time we arrive at the hotel "Beau Site" where we had stayed with the our friends last year. The lovely owners remember us and we are soon ensconced in a room with a balcony and view of snow clad peaks.

There are 6 other English cyclists staying, on a CTC tour of the Pyrenees. The Col du Tourmalet pass is apparently officially closed, but this group got part of the way up. They know our friends Tim and Judy Green, as they have cycled with them on a CTC holiday in Kerala.

Miles to date:- 1714
Location:Oloron St Marie to Argiles Gazost