Monday 25 May 2015

Harold Bluetooth's wifi...

Heading south now, retracing our steps. Dawn is at 3.45 and the dawn chorus, including a very loud Cuckoo, ensures no one lies in on the campsite.
The weather is the best so far, hot sunshine with no wind. A fjord in the middle of Zealand has a cycle track alongside. The occasional Sunday dinghy sails passed, gorgeous thatched cottages are dotted through the beech woods.

There's a fair in the grounds of Ledreborg Slot (castle) attracting thousands of visitors. The quiet stony cycle path through the estate loses its charm after 2 miles, so we decide to rejoin tarmac farm roads, but not before a deer jumps across our path. The museum of the house of the old king of Denmark Harold Bluetooth (the English translation calls him) is in an impossibly pretty rural location. The thatched house can be inspected outside but is closed for Sunday. Harold has left his wifi on so we pick up emails. We arrive at the home of Dorte and Heiner, one of a group of former estate houses around a peaceful green, that was bought by a collective 32 years ago. The families have a house each which they have restored. The outbuildings contain a communal wood pellet boiler, work shops, a communal dining room (used once a week) in beautiful gardens of veggies and flowers. The massive orangery produces tomatoes and grapes. Sitting in the evening sun on the terrace we hear of cycling in Japan from Dorte, who has just returned from a trip there.

Miles to date 1475

Location:Louisiana to the Commune