Saturday 22 June 2013

Familiar territory...

Our legs have not tackled any hills for a few days, but we cope with the undulating quiet roads climbing north, and then the 10 mile downhill swoop to familiar Morlaix.

The Saturday market stalls, in the centre, are trying to keep their goods dry from a brief shower. As on many previous occasions, we people-watch from the Grand Cafe de La Terrasse. We last sat here with the Exeter CTC tourers when we were heading home, a couple of years ago. I am sure they will all be pleased to hear this establishment now has modern toilets!
A remarkably quick procession of weddings emerge at intervals from the flower bedecked Hotel de Ville.
A quick visit to the new central Intermarche for a few goodies to bring home, then the estuary road to Carentec where we have an assignation in front of the church with our last Warmshowers hostess (it turns out Maxime is a man's name, so it is actually a host!) His apartment has a view of the surrounding sea and islands. Maxine is planning to take a sabbatical to cycle various parts of the world so we share info on Canada and Europe.

Location:Rostrenen to Carentec