Thursday 13 June 2013

Sunshine and showers...

The sun is still shining and my feet are so burnt in my sandals I am having to wear shoes. Can't complain! Bernadette in good Scottish style fills us with our first bowls of porridge since we left home!
The route remains undulating with
cereal crops as well as vines and fruit. We head north to the old city of Angouleme. The traffic system going in is very un-bike friendly, but eventually we reach the old walled centre, high on the hill top and, thankfully, all pedestrianised. The city wall is awesome, at least 15 m thick and with a walk along the top over a big arched entrance. A cathedral and spired church dominate the stone paved square.
Marion and Xavier live in a lovely old house not far from the centre. M speaks brilliant English having had a uni exchange year in Oregon and translates for Xavier who is from Chile, speaking French and Spanish. Again we can eat al fresco, this time shaded by an enormous vine on their terrace.We are introduced to a local drink, pineau, based on local Cognac and wine.
Next morning M is up early to bake us bread for breakfast before she sets off to work in the local hospital as a computer expert.

We get an early start, in the forecast heavy rain showers. We have not blogged for days due to lack of wifi but hope to remedy this in Cognac.

Location:Le Fleix to Angouleme